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Here are the jobs you can have.

1fisherman=fishes and makes money selling them(can also venture out with others using their ship)you get a free ship.
2 mage=you learn magic and the words of the making. You can cast spells. This job requires alot of time and imagination for dealing with problems. You have a wizard staff and 3 spells and 2 words of the making 3warrior=you fight. You get amour and a sword.a wizard can enchant your weapons or canhaveskills
4 shop keeper=you keep a shop and can provide weapon,armor, items,or any other objects.(get items for less)
 5soldier=you keep the law(get items for less but have to do what the archmage or king tells you.)
6 prestice=the closest a woman can get to a mage.must be female.and can only use spells and no words of the making